Thursday, October 08, 2009

Fribble battle!

Work has been taking up quite a lot of my time, unfortunately. However I've still been squeezing in some design work as and when I can.

I'm trying to work on a website idea with a friend, it's got some bare bones now which technically I need to work on as soon as I get a few hours to properly put some focus down. I think the weekend is the time to do that one.

However, this week I've been trying my hand as a contestant in the first ever Fribble Battle! The concept is that 8 contestants enter in a contest that lasts a week, 3 rounds lasting 24 hours each, with a day in between for voting/judging. Long story short (details are available on the website here if you'd like a look) - I managed to scrape through round one! Round two is now in the voting/judging stage, and having seen the other entries (anonymous until tomorrow) I'm very much doubting I'll make it through, but it's been great fun, the short deadline was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. 24 hours start at midnight in America, which I think is about 6am here. By the time I'd get home to start my entry it'd be 8pm here, giving me only 8 hours of my 24! Luckily they'd put in a provision for the Internationals like me, so technically I could've tried planning stages out before I got home.

Not with my brain :) Worked out in the end though. I recommend it to all, keeps you on your toes. Must get back in the swing of contests to work to someone else's brief. Just as long as I get some more time....


Simon Rudd said...

i tried to do this - but was too late :(

Saz said...

Aww boo, nevermind though, they're planning more so next round!

I want to do it again, but should let others participate... *pout* lol