Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One small step for me, one giant leap for the future

At long last! The website is coming underway nicely. A hiccup in the CSS coding has finally been fixed thanks to help from a CSS-whiz friend. Overall it seems to be doing what I want now, and so I just need to adjust a couple of colours to make them easier to read and then it's down to the nitty gritty of actually putting proper content up.

As it stands, I'm going to put a bit of everything up, as I'd like to see what it looks like "full", but once it's all there and working I'll edit it down to the pieces I'm happiest with and prune out some of the less inspired moments of genius.

Now I'm at this stage, I'll hopefully get myself back into a bit of actual Photoshopping too. Finished off some ticket designs for a Motocross presentation dinner, so am in need of a new project to tackle.

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