Saturday, February 13, 2010

More surprises!

Well 2010 is a bit of a shocker - I only managed to get myself another job! Ok, so I'm not a famous designer or artist yet, but I'm at least going to start in the industry. It's a fantastic opportunity where I'll be able to learn more about how things work whilst not spiralling to the very bottom of career existence.

I'm super excited about it, who knows where it'll lead. At the very least I'll get to meet some wonderful talented people who I hope will inspire me to enjoy what I do - whatever it may be! :)

Monday, January 11, 2010


So I finally made it! 365 photos of myself (in some way or another) throughout 2009 and spilling into the start of 2010. I am amazed I made it, from such humble beginnings of really disliking photos of myself, now *three hundred and sixty five* photos later I've achieved my mission.

Next step? Try the 52 week project (a photo a week), then the 12 month project (a photo a month, but make it a good one!). But I'm in no rush to leap into those just yet, having a well earned rest.

I've been Sarah, and this is my 365 project. Thank you for watching!

Monday, January 04, 2010

Happy 2010!

Hello Blogworld!

Creative updates have been a bit slow recently with the holiday season, the day job has absorbed a lot of time as well. But I'm hoping 2010 will be more positive.

I've made some resolutions, I usually don't bother, but as the 365 project is drawing to a close shortly (!!!!) I am determined to continue with something else.

As a result, my first and main resolution for 2010 is:

"Make money from something creative"

This is currently nice and vague, it leaves me open to either a single sale on Etsy, the possibility of a craft fair, a freelance project or even... *drumroll*... new job! I'm hoping for something big but even making £1 from what I love doing would be an achievement, something I wouldn't have considered would've been possible a few years ago, but every little step brings me somewhere new.

Happy New Year everyone. Hope it brings something positive for you all.